A Gender Justice, economic empowerment and human rights
approach to sustainable livelihood
Since the establishment of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) in 1963, the church has
been involved hand-in-hand with the Government of the Republic of Tanzania in fighting against
illiteracy, hunger and diseases through initiating programs/projects and establishment of institutions as
well. Main areas of collaboration have focused on welfare services (education, health and diakonia),
development and advocacy.
The Church initiated Sustainable Livelihood and Environment Program (SLEP) year 2011 as a minimalist
approach to sustainable livelihood involving direct linkage with the target group. Sustainable livelihood
is important in the gender and environment context as it is related to poverty reduction and
environment protection therefore it stresses on the reinforcement of the rights and entitlements of
everyone; the issue of inclusiveness.
Since economic growth fails to trickle down, it is important to promote sustainable livelihoods, implying
an activity that provides a decent income or sustenance and provides some status along with a
meaningful life and which conserves and regenerates the environment. Thus, productive ecosystems are
core assets for sustainable livelihoods, since grasslands, forests, fields and rivers can be valuable sources
of sustenance.
Furthermore the concept of sustainable livelihood is important in the context of gender and
environment as sustainable livelihood concept works for creation of employment, poverty reduction,
enhancing well- being and capabilities, implying providing entitlements and what people do with them,
in case of women they use forests as natural life system and use them for livelihood generation

Caring for the earth and agro- ecology infuses everything we do because a community’s ability to
support itself depends on its ability to preserve and protect its land, water and its other natural
resources. Therefore SLEP press for the need for a rights – based approach to gender, environment and
sustainable development where women’s position can be improved by more control over resources,
redistribution of roles and tasks, a shift in stereotypes and a heather and more productive environment.
SLEP is highly accepted by the community as a means to attaining sustainable livelihoods. It’s amongst
few Church initiatives that reach the individual family unit with outstanding results within a short time.
The program strengths depend upon its well established structures, transparency and participatory
approach from grassroots through the village/parish supervisory committees in all activities.

1. Train local government leaders, religion leaders, influential people and the communities on
Rights Based Approach to build their capacities both the duty bearers and rights holders.
2. Empower both men & women to overcome oppressive cultural practices in all program areas.
3. Ensure women participate effectively in leadership and decision making
4. Households improve nutrition and income through the dairy heifers and dairy goats revolving
scheme established to alleviate poverty.
5. Protect environment through awareness creation to the communities on climate change,
climate justice and conservation of natural resources targeting
Planting trees
Disseminate renewable energy mainly biogas and solar to the households
Train communities and facilitate construction of simple energy saving stoves
6. Assist farmers to benefit from increased agricultural productivity through simple irrigation
schemes and best agricultural practices such as slurry application, contour farming, composite
making and organic farming
7. Increase income through provision of gender strategic needs to household to reduce women’s
and girls’ work load
Program Goal
Envisioning a gender and economic justice and empowered community on human rights living a
sustainable livelihood.
The target group & implementation
The most excluded, marginalized and discriminated groups are given the highest priority as they real
need empowerment. In order to ensure non-discrimination, well oriented SLEP community committees
are used to identify, motivate, suggests and shortlist applicants. Thus ensures representation and social
SLEP is being implemented through a Rights Based Approach (RBA) in ten (10) ELCT Dioceses within
government district councils in Tanzania namely: Kahama, Kishapu, Musoma, Makete, Njombe, Mpanda,
Manyoni, Nzega, Meru, Chemba, Kondoa and Moshi Municipal and rural, Rombo and Siha.
The rights holders/ beneficiaries of the program therefore are the economical and social vulnerable
individuals and communities. These are the poor, female-headed households, people with disabilities,
widow/widower, orphans, PLWHA and women. RBA principles are the corner stone for implementation.

RBA training conducted to 5,392 people in 10 government districts. Six human rights
were prioritized as the commonly violated in most of the areas; these included
Right to life,
Right to education,
Right to freedom from torture(domestic violence),
Right to own property,
Right to participate in decision-making
Gendered power structures & social norms lock both women and men in positions that limit both their
productivity and their ability to make choices to improve their situation. Likewise Gender equality
benefits both men & women therefore this intervention focuses on gender justice with women
economic empowerment to encounter women economic marginalization that has been an obvious
practice in most communities for many years.
The program works with both women and men to confront gender roles stereotypes in expanding men
& women’s opportunities to provide for themselves. While believing that women taking control and
collective action are the most important driver of sustained improvements in women’s rights and
improve sustainable livelihoods.
Gender and development trainings conducted to men and women capacitate the community to
transform gender and power relations, and the structures, norms and values that under pin them within
the households and the community at large.
Addressing gender inequalities with women economic empowerment is ‘smart economics’ because
enhances productivity, improves development outcomes for the generation & make institutions more
Therefore ELCT SLEP provides women with heifers, dairy goats, VICOBA facilities and energy for cooking
and lighting to challenge social and economic inequalities as a result of the double burden of care giving
and unpaid work to start with.
The distribution 837 dairy cows and goats have enabled 2,610 household’s family members
improve nutrition and income through the dairy heifers and dairy goats revolving scheme
established to alleviate poverty.
Environment protection and climate change has been done through
Awareness creation to the communities on climate change, climate justice and
conservation of natural resources targeting using media such as TVs, Radio,
Newspapers such as Uhuru na Amani. Also printing of materials with environment
themes. A total of 12,000 wall calendars were printed during the five years, Vitenge
3,150pairs and 1000 T-shirts pieces
The ELCT earmarked a week in March every year for environment where the bible
reading talks about care for environment and the congregants are urged to plant
trees and participate in creation. ELCT SLEP has used the week to display program
activities through mass media
1.7 trees of various types from timber, fruits, medicinal and ornamental trees were
Disseminate renewable energy mainly biogas and solar to the households. A total of
1450 biogas plants were constructed enabling the households to harness clean
energy for cooking, 1400 pieces of solar lamps and 230 solar heaters distributed to
the households
Train communities and facilitate construction of simple energy saving stoves
Assisted 1230 farmers benefit from increased agricultural productivity through simple
irrigation schemes and best agricultural practices such as slurry application, contour
farming, composite making and organic farming

Envisioning a gender and economic justice and empowered community on human rights living a
sustainable livelihood.

Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk and clear your doughty, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you
P.O.Box 3033, Arusha.
Project Co-Ordinator